Company Studio Ve Comes up With Manifold Clock
Original clock, more like a colorful fan of the young beauty, has been created by an Israeli Studio Ve. As any fan, it is able to emerge and spread, simultaneously showing the exact time.
The creators called it Manifold clock as the “three-dimensional clock. Despite the fact that there is no dial plate, you can focus on a multi-colored tick marks. Instead of the arrow here, the edge of the fan is used.
Three-Dimensional Time
So, clock-fan has artfully bend and shift to “reach out” to the appropriate division. And from time to time “fan” even twisted into a kind of paper bags for seed, ceasing to be “two-dimensional” flat gadget attached to the wall. Apparently, for this Manifold clock got the title of “three-hours”.
The secret of their project the designers from Studio Ve don’t hurry to disclose. However, you can visit the site of design studio and consider an unusual project more closely.